The following suggestions are courtesy of Mrs. Kathleen Kannik, a lady of several years reenacting our time period and those around it with her husband Fritz:
"My suggestion is to think about the things you are really interested in today, and the skills you have in your modern life, and how they might relate to the Rev. War era. This gives you a head start on "knowing" something. If, on the other hand, you have something you would really like to learn, but never have, it is also a time to have some fun with something entirely new!
Be patient with yourself. Be patient with others - who may, like yourself, have traveled a long way to an event, had a terrible time at home prior to the event, and may have problems that they are glad to be away from but have a hard time to let go on the weekend. Friday nights at events are a mixed bag of all the things of setting up, being tired, and yet getting to see friends again and looking forward to a fun weekend! Don't be put off by arguing over how to set up a tent, or where to camp, or what to do with the modern things - it all works out! Keep calm and think of the fun ways to deal with your own family situation. Be sure to eat something before setting up, and have fluid on hand!
THEN - have a good time, ask for help and suggestions and take them all into consideration for your own character development. This is a hobby, but it is also a teaching mission for many (that is where the real serious stuff comes in). If we do not represent the best that can be recreated, it spoils the attempts of people who have literally spent years in trying to make it the best that can be done. Learn from them.
It is FUN. It is a way of life. It is an absolutely wonderful thing for your children. Show them by example that it is fun to learn, and fun to share their knowledge and skills with others. Show them enthusiasm for our history, and why we have the best country in the world, and how it came to be!
If you succeed in this, you will have a great time yourself, and you will find a hobby that will not only enrich your own life, but that of others.
Have a good time, be safe, and go for it!!! Others will be there to help you over the humps!"
Kathleen started in 1982 with independent research and voyageur re-enacting, and as a flintlock muzzleloader enthusiast. Since 1989, she and her husband (who started reenacting c.1978) have been involved in McCarty's Company of the Illinois Regiment with both the Brigade of the American Revolution (BAR), and the Northwest Territory Alliance (NWTA). They are members of the George Rogers Clark Heritage Association, which sponsors the Fair at New Boston (1790-1810) in Springfield, Ohio, and together co-chaired the 1996 Fair. They are also involved with War of 1812 and Napoleonic events, and have twice participated in the Battle of Waterloo in Belgium.
Visit them at their home page.
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